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Being a Champion


All Circle of Champions students are encouraged to nominate individuals to become their Champions. Students can nominate anyone in the world, but typically select family members, close friends, and educators. If nominated, an individual only needs to accept the invitation, register for the program, and start the process. There is no cost to be a Champion.

All Circle of Champions students are encouraged to nominate the natural cheerleaders in their lives to become Champions, but some students have no one in their lives to play this role. These students need someone to volunteer to be their Champion. Volunteers do not need college expertise to play this role. They simply need to be willing to learn the role.


You may initiate the registration process by going to and heading to the Join section. Or, you may start the process by clicking on the nomination email sent to you by your student. Registration is simple and does not cost a penny!

Being engaged with your student(s) is the main job of a Champion. Going to college is difficult and often times all a student needs is encouragement—someone who believes in them and verbalizes this to them. Be responsive to their communications, initiate communications, and join in the Circle chat with other Champions supporting your student.


Most Champions in this program have never gone to college themselves. That is perfectly OK! The program has a solid orientation to help you get started. It has learning materials and answers to frequently asked questions that you can access. Also, there are several individuals you may contact if you have questions (see the Help section at www.myCircleofChampions).

The Circle of Champions is being thoroughly assessed through a partnership with UCLA and the University of Pennsylvania. Champions may be asked to answer surveys and or participate in interviews, and Circle of Champions conversations may be assessed. All published findings will be reported with privacy protected.

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